

Solutions AS

Lubrication Chart - Sample Point Report & Labels
Experience from ExxonMobil, since1984!
MLS - preparing and update:
Marine lubrication chart
Sample point report
Label for sample bottle

Newbuildings can get a folder with:
Marine lubrication chart - laminated
Product data sheet - technical
Safety data sheet for all products in use
Sample point report - laminated
Written labels for sample bottles

Send the latest updated lubechart or the equipment list to:
Email: and
LS will help you, as soon as possible!

Analysis equipment can be ordered from:
Norsk Oljelaboratorium AS  Email:

Copyright© 2019 Marine Lubechart Solutions AS
MLS (tidligere ETS) reference list from 2010:
A.B. Tallaksen AS
Bunker Oil Bergen AS - tidligere
Trond Helgesen Oljeprodukter AS
Bunker Oil AS
Lorentz Storesund & Sønner AS
Mørebunkers AS
Minol AS